Delaware County Farm Bureau supports BV dairy judging team


The Delaware County Farm Bureau donated $2,000 to Buckeye Valley FFA Alumni Association for the dairy judging team’s competition in Europe this June. The dairy judging team has worked very hard to earn this opportunity.

The team began working in January 2016 to prepare for the state contest last May. The competition tests the students’ knowledge and understanding of the dairy industry. It is critical that the students be able to identify sound body confirmation in dairy cattle and the role genetics play in milk production, a news release states.

After winning the state competition, the team advanced to compete at the national level during the National FFA Convention in October. This is the first time in Buckeye Valley FFA history a dairy judging team had advanced that far.

The team placed third at Nationals out of 40 teams, which gave them a spot to travel to Europe for an international competition. Teammates say they were in shock that they made it this far, but are very proud of their hard work and dedication.

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