Trustees kill resolutions, name BZA member


During the Liberty Township Board of Trustees’ regularly scheduled meeting Monday, two trustees allowed four scheduled resolutions to die due to lack of motions for votes, while another trustee recused herself from voting on the appointment of a new Board of Zoning Appeals member.

The first three resolutions on the agenda would have authorized the release of specific attorney-client privileged documents from the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office regarding the contract for the medical director, the contract with Trebel for utility aggregation services, and the prosecutor’s opinion inquiring if the countywide emergency medical service (EMS) could be voted on by the people.

“Based on the meeting where we had a resident get up the time that Carol O’Brien (former prosecutor) was in the room. The question was asked if EMS could go to the voters,” Trustee Shyra Eichhorn said in her explanation for the resolution. “We asked her to go back and look at it and bring it back to let the residents know. It has never been done.”

“I won’t be motioning on releasing anything privileged,” said Trustee Melanie Leneghan, board chair. “I’m not motioning, and no, I’m not voting to release anything.”

Trustee Michael Gemperline said he had seen a “correspondents from the prosecutor’s office” which cautioned against the release of privileged information.

“As such, I can’t second that,” he said.

Without a motion to move the resolutions forward, Human Resources Manager Cathy Buehrer said, “No motion, the resolutions died for no motion.”

Eichhorn said she had asked for the resolution on the prosecutor’s opinion, but questioned who asked for the other two resolutions.

“Trustee Leneghan asked a while ago,” Buehrer said.

In the case of the fourth resolution, Leneghan refused to motion to approve the reappointment of Bryan Newell to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), so Eichhorn made the motion for a second instead, but she didn’t receive one.

Newell is running for township trustee in the Nov. 5 general election against Leneghan, who told The Gazette she is seeking re-election.

Eichhorn said since there was no second to reappoint Newell, it created an opening on the BZA. She then made a motion to appoint Michael Cover, a BZA alternate, as a full-time member.

Leneghan and Gemeperline said they lacked the interest to second the motion.

“We’re interested in who else wants the position,” Leneghan said.

The board then went into a closed-door executive session. Upon returning, Leneghan motioned to appoint Vince Margello to the BZA.

Margello is a land developer, property owner and business owner in Powell and Liberty Township.

Leneghan and Gemperline voted to appoint Margello, Eichhorn recused herself.

“I recused myself because I have a family member whose employer is connected with Vince Margello,” Eichhorn said in a statement to The Gazette Tuesday.

By D. Anthony Botkin

[email protected]

Contact D. Anthony Botkin at 740-413-0902. Follow him on Twitter @dabotkin.

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