Committee seeks Safe Routes grant

The Berlin Township Parks and Trails Committee has met several times this year, and here’s a recap of those meetings.

• It was noted at the Jan. 24 that Berlin was denied in its Safe Routes to School grant application from the Ohio Department of Transportation in the first round. It was suggested that Olentangy Local Schools be involved in the next application submission, as it would be a beneficiary. There was further discussion on the content for the next application. There was also discussion on planning, meeting frequency, and working with neighboring Orange Township on a multi-use trail along Shanahan Road.

• At the Feb. 28 meeting, the committee agreed to providing an addendum to the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s Technical Assistance Program report regarding Piatt Road and restroom availability.

• The March 20 meeting had updates on the committee’s ongoing efforts.

• The May 15 agenda included an item called “meeting with Environmental Design Group.”

• The July 17 agenda had items on Evans Farm, Delaware County Trails Grant application, Central Ohio Greenways working group meeting and Joint Recreational District exploratory committee meeting.

Berlin’s Parks and Trails Committee consists of President Zach Brown, Vice President Hillary Cerny, Secretary Summer Marshall and Christina Littleton. Trustee Meghan Raehll also attends.

The Berlin Township Architectural Review Board has had only one meeting in 2024. Work sessions for Jan. 17, Feb. 21, March 13, May 22, June 12 and July 10 were cancelled. The agenda for the April 17 meeting was routine and included approving ARB minutes for the last two meetings of 2023.

The ARB consists of Chairperson Christina Littleton, Kristin Yorko, Jennifer Ludwigson and Quinn Hoffman.

Berlin Township’s Board of Zoning Appeals has met a couple of times this year. Here’s a summary of what it went over.

• Feb. 6 was described as “BZA Zoning Appeals T&R Properties, Appeal, Use & Area Variance CONTINUED until February 20, 2024 @7:00pm” on the township website.

• The Feb. 20 agenda included a conditional use permit for a model home and parking lot by M/I Homes of Central Ohio, LLC in the Berlin Farm West subdivision.

• The May 20 agenda included a conditional use permit for a model home and parking lot by Pulte Homes of Ohio, LLC in the Berlin Bluffs subdivision; and the same was requested by OP Greenery in the Greenery subdivision in Lewis Center.

• Two residential variances and a conditional use permit requested by Cheshire Mills LLC were the subject of the July 10 meeting.

Berlin’s BZA consists of Chair Don Sutton, Vice Chair Jason Acevedo, Brad Cook, Michelle Cook, Larry Harmon, and alternates Jessica Kenzli and Quinn Machan.

They meet at the township hall, 3271 Cheshire Road, Delaware.

For more information, visit (website), Berlin Township (Facebook) or Berlin Township, Delaware County, Ohio (YouTube).

Assistant Editor Gary Budzak photographs and reports on stories in eastern Delaware County and surrounding areas. He can be reached at 740-413-0906.