The City of Delaware recently released a construction update for the week of Sept. 22. The release contained the following updates on completed or ongoing projects:
• Sawmill Parkway Extension – The new roundabout at the intersection of Sawmill Parkway and South Section Line Road is fully open and no longer detoured. Final work on incidentals within the project area will continue for several weeks but is not expected to impact traffic.
• West William Street and Carson Farms Boulevard Traffic Signal – The new traffic signal went into full operation on Friday, Sept. 13. Remaining incidental work will take place over the next couple weeks.
• The Point Improvements – Temporary railroad bridge steel girders were successfully installed the night of Sept. 10. Last week, all 36/37 traffic was switched to the newly completed roadway on the south half of the median. During this phase, Bowtown Road is closed at 36/37 but fully accessible from state Route 521. The traffic pattern now in place will continue throughout the remainder of the year while roadway work on the north half of 36/37 and temporary railroad bridge and track work take place.
• Pennsylvania Avenue Paving – Project resumed this week for road widening for a new turn lane at Heritage Bouelvard. Following the widening, final paving will take place on the remainder of Pennsylvania Avenue between the fairgrounds and Grandview Avenue. The work also includes additional shared use path and sidewalk improvements between the railroad and Penn Lanes. All work is expected to be completed in November.
• Pittsburgh Drive Resurfacing – Pavement repairs on Pittsburgh Drive between South Houk Road and South Section Line Road started this week. Following the pavement repairs, the roadway will be paved. During this work, two-way traffic will be maintained by flaggers.
• Noble-Ross-David-Eaton Paving – All roadway paving is complete. Incidental work, including sidewalks and pavement markings, will take place over the next two weeks.
• Colomet Drive Reconstruction – Asphalt paving occurred the week before the fair and all project work, including final incidentals, is expected to be completed in the next two weeks.
• East Central Avenue Turn Lane at Milo Street – Prior to the fair, the contractor completed construction of the new curbs, sidewalks, and base pavement to widen Central for a new turn lane at Milo Street. This week, the contractor for the Mill on Flax development will be installing a catch basin along the north curb line of Central at Milo Street. Final paving of the project is scheduled for next week between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day during which time two-way traffic will be maintained with flaggers.
• Liberty Road Culvert Replacement – The closure of Liberty Road between West Hull Drive and Slack Road for the replacement of a culvert is in place for 45 days. During the closure, Liberty Road traffic is detoured using Hawthorn Boulevard, U.S. 23, South Sandusky Street and Belle Avenue.
• Citywide Crack Seal Program – A second phase of crack sealing on local streets will be performed in October.
• Columbia Gas Pennsylvania Avenue and Heffner Street Area – Gas main connections are being made this week at the intersections of Hayes Drive & Euclid Avenue, North Liberty Street and West Heffner Street, and Euclid Avenue and Coventry Road. During these connections, traffic will be maintained with flaggers. Gas main and service line work are continuing over the next several weeks on Carriage Drive, Hayes Drive, Coventry Road and West Heffner Street.
Information for this story was provided by the City of Delaware.