Officials to prepare, deliver SourcePoint meals Friday


A number of Delaware-area leaders will participate in SourcePoint’s Meals on Wheels program Friday and help prepare and deliver meals to county senior citizens.

SourcePoint is currently celebrating “Community Champions Week,” part of its “March for Meals” campaign to raise awareness for Meals on Wheels, according to agency officials.

The list of participating officials includes: Delaware County Commissioners Barb Lewis, Gary Merrell and Jeff Benton; Delaware City Schools Superintendent Paul Craft; Delaware City Manager Tom Homan; Galena Mayor Tom Hopper; Ostrander Mayor Larry Crile; Delaware Fire Chief John Donahue; Delaware Police Chief Bruce Pijanowski; Brandon Feller, president of United Way of Delaware County; Delaware County Auditor George Kaitsa; Orange Township Trustee Robert Quigley; Buckeye Valley Schools Superintendent Andy Miller; Sunbury Village Council President Dave Miller; Delaware County Treasurer Jon Peterson; Delaware County Sheriff Russell Martin; Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien; Powell City Council member Jim Hrivnak; Sunbury Village Manager Allen Rothermel; Ashley Mayor Jim Nelson; Shawnee Hills Mayor Pat Monahan; Oxford Township Trustee Jim Hatten; Jane Hawes, Delaware County communications manager; Dublin City Council member Christina Alutto; Westerville City Council member John Bokros; and Westerville Mayor Kathy Cocuzzi.

March for Meals is a national campaign, initiated by Meals on Wheels America, which seeks to raise awareness of senior hunger and encourage action on the part of the community. Each year, SourcePoint’s Meals on Wheels program provides more than 199,000 meals to seniors and others in Delaware County.

“We are always excited to have Delaware County officials and special guests participate in our Meals on Wheels program,” said Toni Dodge, nutrition program manager at SourcePoint. “We’ve been fortunate to have mayors and county commissioners involved in our program in the past, and the national March for Meals event is an excellent way to raise awareness in the community.”

Staff Report

Information for this story was provided by SourcePoint.

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