Delaware police report:

An intoxicated woman was stumbling around outside her home on West Lincoln Avenue Sunday night. Officers spoke to her but found she was so intoxicated that she could not care for herself. Officers found a family member to take care of her but, before the family member arrived, she said she might harm herself and was then transported to Grady Memorial Hospital for evaluation.

A resident on Colfret Court called Friday morning to report that his neighbor’s basement frequently floods and that when the owner pumps the water out of the basement, he pumps it into his neighbor’s yard, which then causes flooding. Police referred the resident to the code enforcement/building department at City Hall.

Powell police report:

A goose caused a non-injury traffic accident Friday on State Route 750 East. Police said a vehicle was forced to stop when a goose walked into the road and obstructed the vehicle’s path. Police said another vehicle believed the stopped vehicle was moving and rear-ended it. Police report that glare from the sun was also a factor in the crash.

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