There is a desperate call across the country for kettle bell ringers for Salvation Army. The need is great.

Whatever the reason, Jesus is the reason for the season. Salvation Army lives a message of giving and forgiving. The nutrition message to bell ringing is about acceptance and exercise.

Accepting the fact that others are not as well off as you is the beginning of bell ringing. This gives birth to a grateful heart that just wants to give to those less fortunate. What can I give?

Remember the song, The Little Drummer Boy? He had no gift to bring, nothing to give the king. All that he had was his drum and his song. A new carol should be written about The Little Ringer Boy, who in 2018, had no money or time, but he gave his valuable time to a cause that helps people in need.

Standing next to a red Salvation Army kettle is exercise. Ringing the bell takes energy. The most fulfilling calories that you will use this holiday season will be volunteering to ring bells.

The Salvation Army is a religious social service organization dedicated to care for the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, loving the unlovable and befriending the friendless. They help in disasters. The Salvation Army sees and hears and helps those in unfortunate circumstances.

They strive to serve well-balanced, healthy and nutritious meals to those who eat at The Salvation Army. Meat, vegetables, grains, dairy and fruit are served when available. The staff uses what is in the pantry through food drives and other donations and performs “miracles” to provide delicious, healthy meals.

The most important thing that you can give is yourself and your time. Call the Salvation Army and volunteer to ring the holiday bells for the red kettles. They have hundreds of time slots in two-hour increments. Some bell ringing locations are sheltered; all have chairs if you need one.

Here are some tips for successful bell ringing. Arrive at least five minutes early; the person that you are relieving will appreciate your promptness. Bundle up in layers; it is easier to peel off clothing if you get warm. Do not forget gloves or mittens. I always take an extra pair in case it really gets cold. A bottle of water is helpful when your voice gets hoarse from saying “Thank you” so much. Take some newspaper or a rug to stand on; concrete is cold in the winter. A good source of a protein food at least two hours before bell ringing will keep you from getting hungry while you smile for a good cause.

Call and give whatever time that you can give. The Salvation Army is waiting for your call.


Bobbie Randall

Contributing columnist

Bobbie Randall is a certified diabetes educator, registered, licensed dietitian. She supervises a Diabetes Self-Management Training Program at Dunlap Community Hospital, Orrville, Ohio. Contact her at [email protected].

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