Caregiver support group is ‘invaluable’


Caring for my husband can be a lot to handle sometimes. I do the best I can to manage finances, doctor appointments, meals, household chores, and the occasional emergency, but the responsibility can feel overwhelming.

Many of my friends and other family members don’t understand what it’s like to care for a loved one and all of the complicated emotions that come along with it, and until recently, I felt alone in my frustration. That’s why finding the caregiver support group at SourcePoint was so important for me.

Having a space where I can relate to others who are in a similar situation, find community resources, and discuss my concerns has been invaluable to me in my caregiving journey. I’ve found a support system that makes me feel more confident in my caregiving role.

This wonderful service is made possible by our local senior services levy. The levy has to be renewed every five years, and it will be on the ballot again in May. The support and resources that I and many other caregivers get from this one group far outweighs the small cost of this levy. Please vote “YES” for this important levy and keep the care going.

Your view

Kathy Hazen


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