Delaware police report:

A camera was reported stolen from Willis Intermediate School Monday morning. Staff at the school reported that sometime Sunday morning someone broke in and stole a camera belonging to the district. It is valued at $99. An investigation is ongoing.

A business reported they received a scam email Monday afternoon. Employees at V&P Hydraulic Products LLC on Pittsburgh Drive told police they received an email that requested a large sum of funds be transferred to an out-of-state account. The employees did not transfer any money and instead contacted police. The case is still under investigation.

A bike was stolen from a home on Jefferson Drive Monday morning. The owner told police the bike was valued at $150. Police have no suspects.

A traffic stop was conducted in the area of 99 S. Liberty St. Tuesday just after 2:15 a.m. Police learned two of the vehicle’s occupants are under the age of 18 and were therefore violating curfew by being out that late. Police charged the two teens and returned them to their parents. Another occupant of the car, an adult, was also charged with possession of marijuana.