Rob Leeds: ‘Benefit in the Barn’ Aug. 20


For the past few weeks, it has been hotter and drier than normal for us, as well as for many others around the state. Too much heat and too little rain can change crop growth quickly but, thankfully, Thursday evening we received some needed relief.

Some places north of town recorded a little over an inch, while out east around one-half inch. The next chance of rain seems to be Monday or Tuesday with the temperatures heading back into the 90s mid-week.

On Aug. 20, from 6 to 11 p.m., the Delaware County Farm Bureau, with the gracious support of Hardscrabble Farms and the Skinner Family, will host the “2016 Benefit in the Barn, A Symphony on the Farm.”

Plan to attend this year’s celebration of agriculture and music. It’s sure to give you a great evening out with your friends and family. You will enjoy a fun and unique concert, along with dinner provided by All Occasions Catering, Ohio beer, wine and spirits (cash bar), and surprises throughout the night. All proceeds will benefit partners of the Delaware County Hunger Alliance.

We are hoping that we can top last year’s benefit which brought in $20,000 for hunger programs in Delaware County, a very worthwhile endeavor.

Admission is $25 for Farm Bureau members (discounted when entering your Farm Bureau member number). General admission is $30.

To purchase your tickets, visit: A limited amount of tickets will be offered so be sure to get your tickets soon.

For questions, contact the Farm Bureau office at 740-363-1613.

Just a reminder that the Western Agricultural Research Branch, in South Charleston, will be having two field days next week. According to Harold Walters, CPAg/CCA, you can still register for one or both; they will be held at one of the premier agronomic research stations of Ohio State University and OARDC. Local equipment suppliers will be on-hand with in-field demonstrations for both events.

On Wednesday, July 20, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., producers and industry agronomists are invited to attend the Western ARS Agronomy Field. This event will cover crop production, weed management and pest control issues of 2016. There is still room if you would like to attend, but call ASAP.

To register, contact Joe Davlin, Western ARS manager, at [email protected] or 937 462-8016; or Harold Watters, OSU Extension, at [email protected] or 937 604-2415.

Cost is $20 per person, payable on site. Lunch is included.

On Thursday, July 21, from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m., the Western Nutrient Management Field Day will concentrate on nutrient management and water quality. This event will provide training for the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s fertilizer applicator certification.

Lunch is included along with demonstrations on nutrient placement, cover crops and fertilizer runoff. Manure management will also be a key discussion topic.

You can register online at to pay the $15 fee.

The address for both events is 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH 45368, just south of Interstate 70 on State Route 41 between Springfield and South Charleston in Clark County. This is 3.5 miles northwest of South Charleston.

Thanks to the support of the Ohio Soybean Council and the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association for helping to put these field days on.

Rob Leeds

OSU Extension

Rob Leeds is the Ohio State University Extension educator for agriculture and natural resources in Delaware County.

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