With Tim Gose appointed on Jan. 20 to serve a four-year term on Sunbury Village Council, and his three-year term as a member of the village’s planning and zoning commission ending in February, Gose stepped down early from zoning to devote his time and energy to council.
Village Administrator Alan Rothermel will accept letters of interest from village residents interested in serving a full three-year term as a member of the zoning commission.
The commission meets the fourth Monday of each month. It is an unpaid position.
The zoning commission is responsible for current and long-range planning in the village, both residential and commercial. Zoning commission members make certain developments meet Sunbury zoning code requirements. They are also involved in mandating zoning ordinances and enforcement of zoning laws.
Residents with questions or an interest in the position should send an email to Rothermel at [email protected] or call Rothermel at the Sunbury administration office at 740-965-2684.
Deadline for accepting applications is Friday, Feb. 5.