Letter to the editor: ‘Now the bridge looks like a Veterans Memorial Bridge’


To the editor:

I recently asked a member of Delaware City Council (Joe DiGenova) if it would be possible to fly a U.S. flag on one of the lamp posts on the Veterans Memorial Bridge?

The bridge (on West Winter Street), dedicated to veterans and service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, looks so barren without the U.S. flag.

He said he would discuss my concern with the necessary people. Well, when I crossed the Olentangy River this past week, I was thrilled, overjoyed, speechless. Not only one U.S. flag on the lamp post, but a U.S. flag on each lamp post on both sides of the bridge. Now the bridge looks like a Veterans Memorial Bridge.

I want to thank Joe (a fellow Vietnam veteran) and any individual who assisted Joe in answering my request. I also want to thank individuals who took their time to place each U.S. flag reverently in place. Now this bridge stands out and reflects the dedication of all our men and women who served our great country. Thank you.

John Crouse



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