At its June 2018 meeting, the board of directors of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce voted to endorse the Delaware County District Library’s renewal levy that voters will see on the ballot in November. The Library asks voters to approve a 15-year renewal of the its 1-mill operating levy. This levy, which supports libraries in Delaware, Lewis Center, Powell and Ostrander, was originally approved by voters in 2009.
A renewal of the levy means that a property’s current tax — about $38 per year per $100,000 of assessed value — stays the same. The levy provides slightly more than $5 million per year, representing two-thirds of the Library’s annual revenue.
There is arguably no greater value for a taxpayer than the Library. The Delaware County District Library is an extraordinary system that offers far more than book lending. Library staff are “embedded” in the community and integrated in the Library’s programming. The Library is out in front of technology, providing the new traditional lending: Wi-Fi hot spots, recording equipment and more. Library staff is recognized as example-setters and experts in their field, speaking to library associations across the country.
Nearly 600,000 people visited the four libraries in 2018. This is a testament to the relevance of the Library and the residents’ understanding of its value. It’s also a sign of the continued growth in Delaware County; indeed, passage of the levy will also provide a vehicle to build a must-have new branch in the Powell/Liberty Township area.
Albert Einstein said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” To that, the Chamber adds, “And the location of your polling place.”
The Chamber urges voters to support the Library on Nov. 6.
Holly Quaine, president
Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce