Volunteers needed throughout Delaware County


Connections Volunteer Center, a program of HelpLine, has information about the following volunteer opportunities in Delaware County. For more information or to register, visit www.connectionsvolunteercenter.org, call 740-363-5000 or email [email protected].

• Strand Theatre & Cultural Arts – Friendly volunteer “cinema concierges” needed on afternoons or evenings to welcome patrons and help the iconic theatre in serving the community.

• IronMan – Volunteer during the IRONMAN triathlon with Team Connections. Athlete Check-In Sat, July 27, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Sun, July 28, 1-5 p.m. Click more info for sign up instructions.

• Senior Companion – Help older adults maintain their independence by being a friend who takes them shopping or to doctor appointments, go for walks or play cards. Companions must be 55 or older. Receive a tax-free stipend and some benefits. Income restrictions apply.

• HelpLine/SARN – Looking for an opportunity to helping others in crisis? HelpLine’s Sexual Assault Response Network (SARN) program needs compassionate and motivated individuals to join the volunteer team in assisting survivors of sexual assault.

• Adaptive Sports Connection – Improve quality of life for people with disabilities and their families by helping behind the scenes with data entry, filing, processing event information, and other clerical duties.

• Kids on the Block – Join this great puppet troupe to do fun, informative skits in area elementary schools. Teach about bullying, physical & sexual abuse issues, healthy habits and disabilities. Learn to handle a puppet and be paired up to learn a skit. Help kids learn how to be safe at home & away.

• Girls on the Run – Support girls learning to recognize their inner strength and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness through dynamic discussion, activities and running games. Volunteer at their 5K end of season run on Sunday, May 19. Pre-5K activities start at 8:00 a.m.

• 46th Delaware Arts Festival May 18 & 19 – Volunteers are needed all weekend to help the Arts Festival continue to be the great event that it is. From traffic control to hospitality, from unloading & loading to general clean-up, there’s lots of ways to help!

• Boardman Arts Park – Help at the Park on Saturday, April 13 to prepare the park for the season. Dress for outdoor work. 6-8 volunteers sought to help create a spoked wheel art project at the Boardman Arts Park tent during the Delaware Arts Festival. Volunteer for an hour between 2:00-4:00 pm on Saturday, May 18.

• Delaware County Historical Society – Do you have a few hours a month on a Sunday afternoon? Docents greet visitors and help guide them through Meeker Homestead Museum. Orientation is provided and you will be teamed up with experienced volunteers.

• Central Ohio Symphony – Volunteer to help at the last concert of the season on Saturday, April 27. Ushers, ticket takers, handicapped entrance assistants, or selling refreshments.

• Grace Clinic – Free medical ministry in Delaware City serving the uninsured and underinsured, is in need of volunteer Pharmacists, Optometrists, Dentists, Physicians, Interpreters, Nurses and Prayer Encouragers. Monday mornings, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

• Restore, Habitat for Humanity of Delaware and Union Co. – Support the mission of building homes by volunteering to help with sales of new and gently used furniture, appliances, home goods and building materials

• SourcePoint – Join in, volunteer, get perks and make new friends! Transport homebound seniors to medical appointments, prep/pack for Meals on Wheels, deliver Meals on Wheels-short term and long-term assignments available or be a friendly visitor with a homebound senior and give their caregiver some relief.

• Delaware Speech and Hearing – Great youth group project – help them out this spring with some flower bed clean up including laying mulch.

• Turning Point – Help needed at both the Delaware Shelter and the Marion Shelter. Shelter Coordinator Assistant, Literature Distributor, and Children’s Area Maintenance. Volunteer orientation March 19. Background check required.

• The Arts Castle – Help give group tours, with events and exhibits, assist with classes or provide building maintenance. Flexible hours. Or help in the volunteer run Gallery Shop which offers a place artists can sell their work.

• People In Need Produce Market – Volunteer to help provide fresh food to individuals and families in need. Each market can serve up to 300 families. The market is the last Wednesday of the month, March – November, 1:30-4:30. The markets are outside (dress for the weather) and each needs 10-15 volunteers.

• Friends of the DCDL – Volunteer with the Friends and advocate and raise funds for the Delaware County District Library. Help with Book Sales, Young Writers Workshops, author visits & more. Seeking a volunteer chair for the publicity committee.

About Connections

Founded in 1996, Connections coordinates the referral and placement of volunteers for more than 70 different agencies who offer more than 200 volunteer opportunities. In the past year, Connections matched over 1,300 volunteers who engaged in almost 20,000 hours of service to the community. An affiliate of HelpLine, Connections core services are partially funded by United Way of Delaware County and SourcePoint.

About Helpline

HelpLine of Delaware and Morrow Counties, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that provides a 24-hour support and information line, prevention education and serves as the area’s only volunteer center. Committed to empowering people through knowledge, support and resources, HelpLine responds to the emotional, financial and informational needs of the Delaware and Morrow County communities.

HelpLine is a contract provider of the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health & Recovery Services Board and partially funded by the SourcePoint. A United Way partner Agency, HelpLine is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology, National Alliance of Information & Referral Systems and certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health.

For more information, please visit: www.HelpLinedelmor.org.


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Submitted by Connections Volunteer Center.

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