The Delaware County Fair is Sept. 14-21 this year, and now is the time to think about which cows and dairy goats will represent your farm for the Dairy Cattle Show and Dairy Goat Show, respectively.
Dairy cattle judging has been very important to dairy farmers and dairy cattle breeders for years. The goal is to have show-winning cows with excellent-type conformation. It is difficult to determine the dollar value of type, but cows and bulls in high demand are usually ones with excellence in milk production and good type. The fair shows put quality dairy cows in the public eye to improve their public image and give dairy breeders recognition for their knowledge, passion and hard work in the barn.
The adult showmanship contest is open to any dairy exhibitor 18 years of age or older. Junior Fair exhibitors are not eligible. Pee-wee showmanship is open to any individual affiliated with the dairy industry who is too young to exhibit by 4-H age 7. And the competitions get a little artsy with the entries for the milk bottle and milk can contests, which must be new, original themes or ideas, and no return entries from previous years. The Dairy Cattle Show schedule will be posted in the barn. Ribbons for first-third place will be given. Dairy Cattle breeds included are Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss,
Holstein, Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn & All Other Breeds.
You can find a complete list and the rules in the Delaware County Fair Exhibitor’s Guide online at
We want to make 2019 our best show yet, and we look forward to seeing your dairy cows. The department head is Mary Fleming, and committee members are Earl Lehner, Joyce Downerd and Bill Thurston.
Here are some of the general rules for Dairy Cattle:
1. Entry fee is 20% of first place premium for classes 1 through 21. Others are marked accordingly in the Exhibitor Guide.
2. Premier Exhibitor Award – Awarded to exhibitor with highest number of points for up to six animals. There is no limit on the number exhibited, but the Premier Exhibitor Awards will be automatically figured on the top six animals of a specific farm.
Dairy goats
At first glance, a dairy goat show looks like a beauty pageant for goats. The purpose of a show is to select animals which come closest to the ideal of sound, productive type. Shows put quality dairy goats in the public eye to improve their public image and give dairy goat breeders recognition for long months of work in the barn, plus an opportunity to talk shop with fellow breeders.
The show will be in the Junior Fair Lamb & Pig Barn. Check-in will be 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, Sept. 21. Then the show will begin at 10 a.m. Ribbons for first-third place will be given. There will be Junior and Senior Doe shows that are separately sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association for the following breeds: Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhalsi, Saanen, Toggenburg and Recorded Grade. Only those registered with the American Dairy Goat Association may be shown. A Best Doe in Show will be selected at the end of all breed classes for each show, Senior and Junior does.
The following classes will be included: Class 1 – Junior Kid, born 4/01/19 or later; Class 2 – Intermediate Kid, born 3/01/19 to 3/31/19; Class 3 – Senior Kid, born 1/01/19 to 2/28/19; Class 4 – Dry Yearling, born 9/22/17 to 12/31/18; Class 5 – Doe, Under 2 yrs. in Milk; Class 6 – Doe, 2 yrs. & under 3 yrs. in Milk; Class 7 – Doe, 3 yrs. & under 5 yrs. in Milk and Class 8 – Doe, 5 yrs. & over in Milk.
You can find a complete list and the rules in the Delaware County Fair Exhibitor’s Guide online at
The department head is Julie Lucas.
Here are some of the general rules for Dairy Goats:
1. Entry fee is $3 per goat.
2. No more than one entry per breed.
3. Only female animals may be exhibited. No bucks.
For more information about the fair, contact General Manager Sandy Kuhn via email at [email protected] or phone 740-362-3851.