Letter: Vote O’Brien, Wallick for Olentangy BOE


Hello Olentangy!

For 20 years, I had the great honor of working for Olentangy Schools, with the final eight serving as your superintendent. During that time, I worked with nine board members closely as, together, we led the district. I know first-hand what it takes to be an effective, successful member of the Board of Education, and I am writing this letter to urge the community to re-elect Mr. Kevin O’Brien and elect Dr. Libby Wallick to the Board of Education this November.

Board members are elected to represent the entire community, develop, and enact board policy and hire and evaluate the district superintendent and treasurer. They should be non-partisan elected officials that serve the community and guide the administration and staff, which enables them to facilitate maximum learning for every student. Mr. O’Brien and Dr. Wallick have clearly demonstrated these capabilities.

Mr. O’Brien has been one of the longest-serving board members in the history of the district. His financial acumen is exemplary, and his leadership has saved the community millions of dollars during his tenure. He provided me outstanding guidance as board president, held me accountable, and pushed me to be a better leader during my time as superintendent.

Dr. Wallick is a passionate educator with extensive knowledge of teaching and learning practices, educational administration and instructional technology. Her skills and expertise in these areas are invaluable to guiding the administration and ensuring continued high academic performance. In her time on the board, she also provided me with strong guidance, support, and a high level of accountability.

Olentangy has grown to be the fourth-largest and highest-performing district in the great state of Ohio. Mr. O’Brien and Dr. Wallick have earned the opportunity to continue to serve the community for the next four years as members of the Board of Education for the Olentangy Schools.

Mark T. Raiff

Former Olentangy Local Schools superintendent

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