Letter: Griffith will ‘further enrich, help city’


I advocate for Linsey Griffith as the ideal candidate to represent the First Ward on Delaware City Council. While I am her husband of 20 years, I also offer a unique insight into her unparalleled qualifications. I was raised in Delaware and have witnessed our town’s transformation, and firmly believe Linsey possesses the leadership needed for its bright future.

Linsey’s compassion runs deep. Beyond gestures of neighborly goodwill, she has consistently gone above and beyond to help those in need. I first noticed this early in our marriage when she became aware of coworkers of hers with family serving overseas. She initiated a gift drive for those soldiers, providing items tailored to their actual needs in the field. Also, her innate reaction to crises showcases her bravery and commitment. She’s run towards accident scenes, administered first aid, and is certified to train others in these life-saving techniques. When faced with friends struggling with infertility, she committed herself as a surrogate, undertaking three surrogacy journeys despite losing both of her parents midway through the first.

An innate problem solver, Linsey identifies community needs and acts on them. In our early days in the Village of Lockbourne, she secured a grant to bring in high-speed internet and fostered community through a local farmers’ market. Even as a young student, she advocated for equitable sports resources for girls in her hometown. This proactive nature defines her character.

Professionally, Linsey is a doula, far surpassing the basic role description. She thoroughly acquaints herself with her clients, sometimes even identifying and alerting medical professionals to potential complications. Her rigorous research skills are evident even in everyday activities, like critiquing medical shows for inaccuracies or frequently being mistaken for a doctor due to her vast medical knowledge. This dedication is a testament to her commitment, which she’ll undoubtedly extend to our city.

Our city stands on the cusp of significant changes, needing someone capable of handling expansive challenges from growth and development to infrastructure and budgeting. Linsey’s tenacity, intelligence, and refusal to accept defeat unless it serves a greater good make her the perfect candidate. She epitomizes leadership, valuing teamwork and always striving for the community’s benefit. Linsey is not seeking this position for personal accolades but from a genuine desire to serve and uplift our community. As Fred Rodgers wisely said, “Look for the helpers.” Linsey is that helper, and your vote will enable her to further enrich and help our city.

Ken Doughman


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