Letter: Avoiding cannabis black market


The Ohio legislature is considering changes to the recently passed cannabis ballot initiative, aiming to align with voter intentions and enhance public safety. While I support these goals, certain proposed modifications will jeopardize public safety by fostering a black market. Legislators do not understand the intricacies of Ohio’s cannabis markets and how the legal cannabis market coexists with the grey and black markets.

Factors contributing to potential black market growth include uncompetitive prices due to high taxes and regulations, an excessive 12-plant limit for home cultivation, and proposed potency limits that will drive consumers towards unregulated products. The pricing disparity, particularly for non-smokable cannabis products like vapes and edibles, leads consumers to the more affordable grey and black markets. The 12-plant home cultivation limit is excessive for personal use even for the heaviest users.

Potency limits seem like a good idea, but they will do nothing to actually cap potency. Potency caps on vape and concentrate products is particularly problematic because it is the fastest growing segment of the market, and the grey and black markets are both significantly less expensive and do not have any potency caps. Potency caps will only ensure consumers seeking these products are relegated to the grey and black markets.

It is my hope that our legislature balances respecting the will of the voters that passed Issue 2 with the safety of Ohioans. Effective cannabis policies should focus on diminishing the black market rather than inadvertently promoting its growth.

Kelly Kammann


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