State of the City given at BWHS


SUNBURY — An annual address of accomplishments and aspirations was given in a bigger venue than in years past.

The State of the City event was held Tuesday in the academic commons of the Big Walnut High School, complete with color guard and the singing of the national anthem. There was a good turnout considering it was a rainy, chilly night, with guests that included Delaware County commissioners and local politicians.

The State of the Village used to be given as a report in council chambers during a meeting early in the year. While not exactly an afterthought, it wasn’t a production, either. And even though it was held in the high school, the State of the City was still considered part of a council meeting with all members present, called to order and adjourned after the speech, with no other business done.

Sunbury Mayor Joe St. John told the audience he wanted to improve communications with the city and its citizenry as well as show transparency, by having the address in the high school.

President Pro Tem of Council John Grumney introduced St. John, who was recently named as one of central Ohio’s “40 under 40.” St. John gave a comprehensive snapshot of where the city is and where it needs to go, invoking quotes by John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln along the way. Sometimes he got emotional, such as when talking about his coal mining family or his staff.

Covering a wide swath in his hour-long speech, St. John said he wanted Sunbury to be a multigenerational city, with a more diverse tax base and forms of housing.

St. John presented his inaugural Mayor’s Service Award to Big Walnut Middle School, represented by Principal Josh Frame. BWMS has an annual spring Service Day, where 640 students and staff beautify the town square and environs in 50 projects. Frame said this year’s Service Day is May 10. St. John said he hopes the Service Award will continue to be given out after his mayoral stint.

There was also a call to action by St. John. There has long been a desire to have a community center to serve the Big Walnut/Sunbury area. In order to build one, a Joint Recreation District has been proposed. St. John asked the Village of Galena and the townships surrounding Sunbury to join the JRD.

A “Sunbury Ohio Community Profile” was handed out during the address, which will be detailed in a future Gazette article.

Assistant Editor Gary Budzak covers the eastern half of Delaware County and surrounding areas. He may be reached at [email protected].

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