Powell railroad crossing to be improved


The railroad crossing on state Route 750 near downtown Powell is set to get a needed overhaul following Tuesday’s meeting of Powell City Council.

During the meeting, the council approved a resolution authorizing City Manager Andrew White to enter into an agreement with CSX Transportation for improvements to the at-grade crossing. City staff has worked with CSX over the past year to generate the plan and agreement to improve the crossing, and CSX provided the city with an option to replace and enhance the crossing utilizing a full-depth rubber surface to create a long-lasting end product.

“If you have traversed that crossing, you will know it’s in need of some attention,” Powell Public Service Director Grant Crawford said during the meeting. “We have worked closely with CSX to develop a plan and an improvement project that will really enhance that connection beyond the typical replacement or repair. The typical replacement or repair is a wood structure, which tends to deteriorate quickly, especially in our climate and with the winter conditions, to a full-depth rubber surface, which will be a much smoother transition and will provide for an extended life as compared to the typical type of replacement.”

The project will cost the city $267,327 utilizing Capital Improvement Plan contingency funds and is expected to commence in the spring or summer.

White noted the enhanced replacement will be “more forgiving” than the standard asphalt replacement at a spot that sees high truck traffic volumes, allowing it to hold up for a longer period. “It’s a commitment to the quality life that we think will be a much-improved experience when you’re traversing that intersection, and it’s one we’ll be looking at in other jurisdictions for the same benefit,” White said.

Asked by a council member if the city will have its say in when the project gets underway, given that the second- or third-quarter target coincides with the heart of the city’s event schedule, Crawford said both parties will have their input.

“Ultimately, it is a CSX crossing, so they have some say as well as it relates to their scheduling,” he added. “It will include some traffic mitigation that we’re going to have to work through with the state as well. So, we’ll have to balance all those pieces together to find the least impactful date and time to complete the work.”

Reach Dillon Davis at 740-413-0904. Follow him on Twitter @DillonDavis56.

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