Race to develop new technologies rages on


The Friday, March 22, Great Decisions lecture will explore “Strategic Capitalism and the Future of Knowledge” with a presentation from Dr. David Staley from the Department of History at the Ohio State University.

The global tension between national competition and international collaboration is a perennial concern both among governments and private enterprise in the increasingly globalized economy. The rise of new and future technologies such as the militarization and commercialization of outer space, undersea mining and energy resource exploitation on the high seas, new frontiers in artificial intelligence, and geo-engineering to combat global warming/climate change are likely to continue to challenge us all as we strike a balance between national and global concerns. This week’s Great Decision discussion will explore the future of knowledge in this complex political and economic landscape.

Staley is an associate professor in the Department of History at the Ohio State University, an honorary faculty fellow in innovation at the Bay Path University Center for Higher Ed Leadership and Innovative Practice, and a fellow at Arizona State University Center for Science and the Imagination.

Staley received the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists 2022 “Best Freelance Writer” award and is the host of the “Voices of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences” podcast. His scholarly expertise centers on historical methods for exploring digital history and considering how historical experiences of technology relate to our future treatment of technological change in the world. He has authored and co-authored numerous books and essays, including “Visionary Histories”; “Alternative Universities: Speculative Design for Innovation in Higher Education”; “Brain, Mind and Internet: A Deep History and Future”; “History and Future: Using Historical Thinking to Imagine the Future,” and more.

The lecture will take place from noon to 1 p.m. at the William Street United Methodist Church at 28 W. William St., Delaware. Those attending are welcome to bring a brown bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.

The presentation will also be broadcast over Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85158448001.

For more information, visit www.greatdecisionsofdelawareoh.com.

The Great Decisions program is a series of free, public lectures from central Ohio foreign policy experts who explore pressing international topics of the day. Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions provides a series of eight published essays around which our local presenters base their discussions each week. The presentations include audience question-and-answer periods to engage in thoughtful discussion.

Submitted by Erinn Nicley.

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