A friendly delivery from SourcePoint


As part of SourcePoint’s daily meal delivery program, Janet VanAntwerp (left) instructs Sandy and Richard Grubbs on how much Ensure to deliver and to which houses Friday morning at SourcePoint’s Enrichment Center in Delaware. VanAntwerp said the Grubbses are regular volunteers who deliver Ensure and other supplies to elderly people around the county on a regular basis to help them stay in their homes, rather than go into nursing facilities.

As part of SourcePoint’s daily meal delivery program, Janet VanAntwerp (left) instructs Sandy and Richard Grubbs on how much Ensure to deliver and to which houses Friday morning at SourcePoint’s Enrichment Center in Delaware. VanAntwerp said the Grubbses are regular volunteers who deliver Ensure and other supplies to elderly people around the county on a regular basis to help them stay in their homes, rather than go into nursing facilities.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2016/01/web1_Ensure.jpgAs part of SourcePoint’s daily meal delivery program, Janet VanAntwerp (left) instructs Sandy and Richard Grubbs on how much Ensure to deliver and to which houses Friday morning at SourcePoint’s Enrichment Center in Delaware. VanAntwerp said the Grubbses are regular volunteers who deliver Ensure and other supplies to elderly people around the county on a regular basis to help them stay in their homes, rather than go into nursing facilities.

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