The Delaware City Schools Board of Education approved Monday the resignation of Woodward Elementary School’s principal as well as the hiring of his replacement. Board members also signed off on a roof restoration project at Dempsey Middle School and Schultz Elementary.
Meeting for the final time before the end of the school year, the BOE approved a number of staffing changes, including the resignation of Ryan Malany, the principal at Woodward.
Malany has been principal at Woodward since 2015, and he is leaving the district to take a position as principal of Jonathan Alder Junior High in Plain City.
The board also approved the hiring of Eric Barr as the new principal at Woodward. Barr will be leaving his position as principal of Northwood Elementary in Sidney, Ohio, to take the position.
“I wanted to thank the board for the opportunity,” Barr said at the meeting Monday. “I’m really excited about the opportunity to join Delaware City Schools at Woodward Elementary. It’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s a very, very similar school to the school which I’m currently the principal of in Sidney, Ohio. I’m looking forward to seeing the students and staff, and I wish them a wonderful summer. Thank you for the opportunity.”
Barr said he and his family are planning to relocate to Delaware.
Additionally, the board approved a number of other resignations, including Christine Hinshaw, a psychologist for the district; Laura Langenberg, a psychologist for the district; Matthew Brown, a guidance counselor at Hayes High School; Lindsay McCormick, a School Aged Child Care (SACC) program assistant at Carlisle Elementary; Rebekah Polley, a SACC program assistant; Megan Schweller, the head cook at Willis Education Center; and Jeanna Wells, the technology specialist at Conger Elementary.
In addition to Barr, the board approved the employment of Emily Gilles, who will teach English at Hayes; Marissa Kinnick, who will be a psychologist at Willis; and Felicia Lemyre, who will be an intervention specialist at Willis.
The board also approved a $559,725.58 contract with Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. to restore flat roof areas at Dempsey Middle School and Schultz Elementary School.
The board will meet at 6 p.m. June 3 at Willis.