Main Street Delaware earns accreditation


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Heritage Ohio is proud to announce the 2022 certification of Delaware as a nationally accredited Main Street Community. Delaware became a member of the Main Street program in 2000 and since continues to revitalize the historic downtown district.

After a half-day evaluation process, Main Street Delaware Inc. exhibited evidence of a robust program working toward measurable outcomes in downtown revitalization. Main Street Delaware is being recognized as proficient in the six criteria set by the National Main Street Center. This prestigious designation is a testament to the hard work and commitment of the Main Street Delaware Board of Directors, staff and volunteers.

“Heritage Ohio is proud to partner with Main Street Delaware and celebrates their success in historic preservation and community revitalization,” said Matt Wiederhold, Heritage Ohio’s executive director. “Their accreditation is an achievement for which they have worked very hard, by engaging their partners, raising funds, implementing projects, and making vital improvements in their community. Their achievement will help ensure that their historic downtown is a place that is valuable and desirable for both residents and guests.”

Main Street Delaware prides itself on being composed of passionate, hard-working, playful, and eager-to-learn community members. These members work to ensure their downtown is a welcoming place for all through economic development, research, and connecting with the community. Heritage Ohio continues to see sophistication in this local program. The board’s efforts toward integration with the community as a whole are apparent.

Frances Jo Hamilton, Heritage Ohio’s director of revitalization (back center), celebrates Main Street Delaware Inc.’s 2022 national accreditation with the organization following a two-hour accreditation review Thursday. Jo Hamilton, Heritage Ohio’s director of revitalization (back center), celebrates Main Street Delaware Inc.’s 2022 national accreditation with the organization following a two-hour accreditation review Thursday. Courtesy photo | Main Street Delaware

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