Many people deserving of blue ribbon


Have you ever won a blue ribbon? For those who haven’t, I haven’t either. The closest I came is when I had perfect attendance one year when I was on a bowling team. And that was a whole lot of years ago.

If you come to my house you might find three blue ribbons. One is George’s and the other two are still in the box they came in when I bought several of them.

Yes, you can buy them at a place called the Ribbon Factory, and it’s just on the west side of town. I got the idea of buying some a couple of years ago when one of my brothers-in-law retired, and I wanted to give him a blue ribbon for all the work he had done for so many years.

It was suggested to me, recently, that I write about the others I had chosen to give a blue ribbon. I think the second one was to a lady I worked with at the courthouse. She had been taking copies of documents for persons who needed them. Taking the copies isn’t the hardest part of the work, it was the lifting of very heavy books down off the shelf and opening them to take the page out and putting the page back again. And then putting that very heavy book back up on the shelf. That was also very hard since the books were in one room, and the copy machine was in another. And I never heard her complain once. So, now, years after we each retired, and I had that box of blue ribbons, I thought she should have a one.

Right now I am reminded of another person I gave a blue ribbon, and that was the man who always rings the bell for church every Sunday morning. He even brings a big bell with him if we have church outside at the Oxford Twp. Hall picnic area. He brings it in the trunk of his car and rings it from there. What a great job he has done for all the years I can remember.

I would be remiss if I didn’t give one to his wife, as well, for all of her 30 some years of teaching our Sunday School class. It’s the place to be every Sunday except in August when we have a month off.

Next comes to mind is my husband’s chiropractor. He has kept George out of pain for more than the past 20 years. George has a regular time for maintenance, which is every six weeks. And, Dr. Thomas kept both of us out of pain when we both had shingles. So, he definitely deserves a blue ribbon.

If I can add another two persons in my list of blue ribbons, it would be our two daughters. They have been there for both of us every step of the way. Especially during this period of our lives now, when we may have need for their help.

This isn’t every one of the persons I gave a blue ribbon, but I need to stop now for the lack of space. George thinks I should keep one for myself, since I have earned it by writing these articles for the past seven years. I have passed my seventh year, and in April I began my eighth.

So, if anyone reading this knows a person who deserves to have a blue ribbon, for whatever reason, just come to the RB Powers Co. at 118 W. High St. in Ashley and buy them one. (Or call at 740-747-2121.) It makes a fun gift.

Kay E. Conklin is a retired Delaware County recorder who served four terms. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a degree in sociology and anthropology.

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