Township trustees taking action


GALENA — The Harlem Township Board of Trustees has made a number of moves in recent meetings, taking personnel and zoning actions.

The trustees held a special meeting on May 4, where they added two articles to the zoning resolution. The articles were regarding Planned Unit Development Mixed Use Overlay Districts (article XXXI) and Mixed Use Districts (XXXIV). They were also discussed at the meeting on May 17, where they were adopted as corrected.

The trustees later went into executive session on May 4. Upon returning, Trustee Carl Richison said, “this has become a hostile environment and Harlem Township is to provide a non-hostile work environment for all employees and the disrespect of others needs to stop.” The trustees later adopted the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy as developed by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on May 17.

Also on May 17, the trustees approved a new one-year contract with Crossroads Community Planning as part of the township’s strategic planning. They also approved creating a YouTube channel for recording and posting Harlem’s meetings at no cost. Steven Eisenbrown was appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

The trustees held a special meeting on June 1, where among other actions, they approved hiring Diana Welch as zoning administrative assistant, hiring Samuel Broska as fire department lieutenant, and promoting Paul Cade to fire department lieutenant. Cade was sworn in on June 21, and Welch introduced at the same meeting.

At another special meeting on June 5, the trustees set a June 21 hearing for two new zoning articles: Procedure to Apply the Conservation Subdivision Standards (XXXII) and Clustered Residential Conservation District (XXXIII). The next regular meeting was June 21, where the articles were adopted. Also approved was printing the annual newsletter.

Director of Zoning and Development Mike Cannon updated the trustees on June 21 about open enforcement issues. The owner of a Harlem Road address with “debris and junk cars reported” was first contacted in February, and now the “matter is being handled in the courts.” Another address, on South state Route 605, had also been contacted in February with no change, and the “prosecutor is filing a complaint with the Court of Common Pleas.”

Another special trustees meeting took place on July 10. Among the actions taken were surveying Fancher Road Cemetery for expansion.

In addition to Richison, the other trustees are Chair Dave Jackson and Vice Chair Jerry Paul.

Assistant Editor Gary Budzak covers the eastern half of Delaware County and surrounding areas. He may be reached at the above email address.

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