Former zoo officials charged with corrupt activity


Arraignments in Delaware County Common Pleas Court have been set for three former Columbus Zoo and Aquarium executives accused of “operating a criminal enterprise to hijack the zoo’s purse strings.”

Former CEO Tom Stalf, of Ostrander, was indicted on Sept. 18 and charged with one count of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, a first-degree felony; two counts of aggravated theft, first-degree felonies; two counts of bribery, third-degree felonies; one count of conspiracy, a second-degree felony; six counts of money laundering; third-degree felonies; 22 counts of tampering with records; third, fourth and fifth-degree felonies; and two counts of telecommunications fraud, a first and third-degree felony.

He was indicted along with former Marketing Director Pete Fingerhut, of Powell, who was charged with one count of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, a first-degree felony; two counts of aggravated theft, first-degree felonies; two counts of bribery, third-degree felonies; one count of conspiracy, a second-degree felony; two counts of extortion, a third-degree felony; seven counts of money laundering, third-degree felonies; 39 counts of tampering with records, third, fourth and fifth-degree felonies; 8 counts of telecommunications fraud, first, third and fourth-degree felonies; and one count of falsification, a first-degree misdemeanor.

An arraignment for Stalf is set for Oct. 25 at 8:30 a.m. before Delaware County Common Pleas Judge David M. Gormley. An arraignment for Fingerhut is set for Oct. 25 at 8:45 a.m.

The pair are accused of “operating a criminal enterprise to hijack the zoo’s purse strings and colluding to conceal their thievery,” according to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

Former Chief Financial Officer Greg Bell is alleged to have become “ensnared in the wrongdoing” and was also indicted and charged with one count of aggravated theft, a second-degree felony; one count of conspiracy, a second-degree felony; and 12 counts of tampering with records, fourth and fifth-degree felonies.

An arraignment for Bell is set for Oct. 20 at 1:30 p.m.. According to court documents, a change of plea for Bell is also set for 1:30 p.m.

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office alleges that the former executives manipulated credit card and check authorization forms for more than a decade, using the nonprofit’s public funds for personal use. The Columbus Zoo receives about $19 million in taxes annually from Franklin County residents, the office reported.

The office reported that about $2.29 million dollars were stolen during the enterprise. The charges cover a period from 2011 to 2021.

“The stolen money was spent on lavish non-zoo related items, including suites and tickets to concerts and sporting events; golf memberships; trips to multiple states and foreign countries; meals, beverages and alcohol; and motor vehicles,” the office said in a release.

The office alleges that an investigation found that the trio “not only improperly expensed goods but also bartered, bribed and extorted zoo vendors for goods and services.”

“Stalf, Fingerhut and Bell allegedly attempted to conceal their criminal activities by knowingly signing financial authorization forms,” the office reported. “In subsequent years, Stalf and Fingerhut filed their state and federal taxes without acknowledging the financial benefits obtained from the criminal enterprise.”

Delaware County Prosecutor Melissa Schiffel has been named special prosecutor to represent the State of Ohio in this case.

“The Columbus Zoo is a jewel, and I hope that this investigation will ensure that the zoo will exist for many years to come,” Schiffel said. “Thank you to the Delaware County grand jurors who listened to countless hours of testimony and evidence and returned the indictment that was filed (last month).”

Stalf and Bell resigned from the zoo in March 2021 after an internal investigation. Fingerhut had been let go by the zoo during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Glenn Battishill can be reached at 740-413-0903.

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