Letter: Both parties are destroying America


A state of war currently exists on the southern border … and all the speaker of the house and GOP do is take a trip to the border for photo ops. Where are the impeachment resolutions for the VP, president, and all of his cabinet. Treason is afoot, among other impeachable crimes, and the GOP’s answer to the dissolution of America is to take a vacation on the border.

Mr. Speaker, how about passing a Congressional Resolution (CR) declaring that a state of war exists on our southern border? Help the states justify a coordinated defense of our border and sovereignty. Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3: Overview of the Compact Clause | U.S. Constitution Annotated | … “The Federal Government’s support of the asymmetrical war along our southern border… constitutes a massive act of treason (waging war against the US by proxy).” The illegal alien population poses a “clear and present danger” to our national security.

We were promised Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden by the GOP House … where are they? We were promised fiscal restraint by the House GOP… where is the restraint? Billions are going to foreign wars and to support illegal aliens living off the taxpayers. The GOP is a joke as they have joined with the liberal, progressive, socialists Dems in destroying America. We need a new party, and the voters of both major parties need to throw out everyone currently serving.

If the state governors and legislatures fail to act to secure the border … it is over. America will lose its sovereignty as a Constitutional Republic … the union will dissolve and the people’s security and liberty will be forfeited to a new world Marxist order. This is what the new world order has been promoting. Both political parties in D.C. are working to destroy the America I grew up in and served its military for 39 years. I have seen first-hand, up close and personal, what socialism looks like in Europe, South America, and the far east. It is not pretty. You really don’t want to go there.

Why do our elected officials put forward a budget that exceeds annual tax revenue by over one-and-a-half trillion dollars? Why do they fight against a Constitutional amendment stating we have to have a balanced budget? Why do we let a dictator forgive billions of dollars in student debt without congressional approval? What exactly is our elected representatives doing for us other than collecting more money for their next election?

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it best, “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.” When you respond to this editorial, be sure to mention that you too have seen first-hand what socialism looks like in 63 countries like I have. Otherwise, you are spouting your opinion.

Christopher Acker


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